As I have mentioned many times before, I (like many other fans) have been in love with Kylie and followed every step of her career since The Loco-Motion (since my brother received her 1988 self-titled debut album as a gift for his birthday, I never let her music go out of my head). And thanks to trips to the UK, and amazing relatives in the UK that continually supported my love for her artistry by providing me with albums when they were not available to purchase in my nativeland, I was able to keep up with her evolution. With the music came the dvd's of tours that I never got to see with my own eyes, and I was resigned to the fact that it may never happen.....UNTIL TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twenty one years of waiting, and let me tell you.... it was worth every single minute. When I got myself down to the Air Canada Centre (along with my friends Dean and Erin) I was a bit perturbed, because when I got myself to one of the many merchandise kiosks, all of the Tour Books in the building had already sold out (bummer). I later bought myself a poster and came home and ordered a tour book and keychain off her official website. But back to the good stuff. Sitting in our seats waiting for the show to start, I was fidgeting and plotzing so hard.
Then the lights went down, the sound came up, Kylie's band played a Hollywood film like intro before the curtain went up, the lasers came on, the countdown for Light Years started and Kylie descended like a futuristic princess standing atop the gleaming disco skull of "KYLIEXTOUR2008" fame. I was out of my mind on the inside, but quite calm on the outside because I had to take in every single moment. "Please, fasten your seatbelts. My Name Is Kylie!", the crowd went absolutely nuts as she spoke the iconic bridge of Light Years. "Thank you for choosing to fly KM AIR, we hope you'll have a pleasant flight!" No worries there, Darling.

I won't go into a play by play of the songs she did because everyone has seen the setlist (although it's not entirely accurate) but some of the evenings highlights (for me) were,
1) The performance of the new song "Better Than Today" (I can't wait until a studio version of this song is released, so much fun).
2) The "Shocked/What Do I Have To Do/Spinning Around Medley" which was one of my fave moments from Showgirl.
3) "Boombox/Can't Get You Out Of My Head" which was definitely a crowd pleaser.
4) "Slow" (I can't believe how amazing this song is live. It's never been a big favorite of mine but seeing it live, not on dvd, is fucking unbelievable).
5) "Red-Blooded Woman" with her hot as hell male dancers in the shower scene. My friend Erin's personal favorite. Plus the chorus of Where The Wild Roses Grow making a cameo. AMAZING!

6) "Confide In Me" one of my favorite songs by her, and the point in the show where my friend Dean said to me, "I didn't know she could sing like that, live." Hell yah, she can! Plus her gown was absolutely gorgeous during this number.

7) "I Believe In You" (Ballad Version) The moment in the show where I started to get teary eyed because I simply couldn't believe this was actually happening, and when the rose petals started to fall.... it was like a beautiful dream.
8) "The Loco-Motion" (Cabaret version) Super fun and got the older woman in front of me moving her body which was adorable. Plus it's the song that introduced a lot of us to Kylie so it was an important moment in the show.
9) "Kids" Got everybody rockin'!
10) "The One" (With Alternate Beginning) The energy of the crowd somehow shifted into overdrive halfway through this number and went into a whole new stratosphere with the next which was.......
11) "Your Disco Needs You" While the crowd was assaulting Kylie with screams of adoration she decided to take a song request from us and this camp classic from the Light Years album won over all others and the crowd went berzerk. Me included.
12) "Love at First Sight" The perfect song to end the night on. Although I never wanted it to end (and I wished she would have done I Should Be So Lucky), the crowd was in maximum overdrive and this song just brought us all to our knees.

I only sat down once during the whole show (during the ballad section between White Diamond and the bridge of I Believe In You), and I was sad to see it end, but I am hopeful that we made an impression on her and she will return sooner than we expect and dazzle us all again with her superior shows. I've never heard the Air Canada Centre so loud with screaming fans at only half capacity (the 300's section was blocked off) which just goes to show that Miss Minogue is truly a phenomenon. I cried, I partied, I danced, I sang, I screamed myself hoarse and it will probably remain in my memory as the greatest show I have ever seen. She is a consumate performer and makes such a warm connection with her audience. I love you Kylie! Thank you for making this the greatest night of my life so far (well, tied with the first night I saw Madonna live).
I hope she has filmed the show or will be doing so during her last few shows in New York. I would absolutely love to have a dvd of this concert. I know it was a mash up of all of her past shows but still. I want to remember that moment forever.
I'm out for now, PEACE & LOVE Kylie fans!
PS. OMG I almost completely forgot another fave bit, "Burning Up/Vogue" Simply magical.
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